In addition to being listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the museum has received a State Historic Preservation Officer's Citation of Merit for its extraordinary contributions to the preservation of history. The Territorial Capital Sports Museum honors Oklahoma's rich sporting tradition. Avid Extreme Sports specializes in all sizes and types of paintball parties. It spans over 60 acres of forested terrain and has eight playfields. The most extensive outdoor paintball field in the area is Avid Extreme Sports Park North in Guthrie, Oklahoma. The Apothecary Garden on Oklahoma Avenue and 2nd Street is the starting point for every Guthrie Ghost Walk. They'll hear stories of hauntings, sightings, and unusual happenings, and if they're lucky, they might even see some of them. Visitors may stroll through the country's largest historic district and witness exquisite buildings from the Victorian and Edwardian eras. The downtown area has been the venue for numerous stories of broken hearts, strange occurrences, and evil intent, as proven by the gunshot holes in the Bluebell Saloon's ceiling and the Territorial Jail's shuttered windows. Guthrie's historic downtown has always been a breeding place for ghosts and spirits. To access past Mesonet data, visit our Past Data page or submit a request. Oklahoma City was chosen as the state capital by a majority vote on June 11, 1910. Governor Haskell asked for an early statewide election to settle the dispute as a result of the conflict. As the new state government gained prominence, the political situation became heated between the governor and legislature and Frank Greer, editor of the State Capital Newspaper. It was to be the capital until 1913 when a referendum would be held to determine a permanent location. On November 16, 1907, President Theodore Roosevelt declared Oklahoma a state, with Guthrie serving as the first state capital. ( home ) Guthrie Population : 10,767 Total Males: 5,178 Total Females: 5,589 Total Households: 4,485 For complete census data click here. Oklahoma became a US Territory in 1890 with the passing of the Organic Act, and Guthrie was chosen as the Territorial Capital. Guthrie You are viewing the White Pages Online Data made available on this site is powered by Yellow Pages Directory Inc. Guthrie grew to become one of the greatest cities west of the Mississippi, and it rapidly became noted for its gorgeous redbrick and native sandstone structures. Tents scattered across the slopes around Cottonwood Creek were quickly replaced by wooden structures soon after. A tent city had already taken over the landscape by the evening of April 22.

Guthrie, located in the Indian Territory's Unassigned Lands, had been chosen as the location for one of the Federal Land Offices where land seekers were needed to file a claim to their plots. The name was eventually changed to Guthrie, after Kansas judge John Guthrie.

Mark Twain said it best, 'Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.Guthrie began in 1887 as Deer Creek, a railroad station on the Southern Kansas Railway (later bought by the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway) that stretched from the Kansas–Oklahoma border to Purcell. Working in the critical access ER, every day looks different but I enjoy the constant growth, the camaraderie as a team, and the way we're constantly improving to fit the changing needs of our community.

It's fulfilling to work for a hospital that enables me to provide exceptional health care while also ministering love to those in their time of need. I hope you know how important you are in each person’s life you touch." Elise Staudinger RN - Emergency Room, Mercy Hospital Washington "Throughout my career, it has been my conviction that every patient should be cherished as a unique creation of God’s, which is also one of Mercy’s core values. I am thankful for all the nurses out there who pursue this mission of caring in the ER. As an ER nurse, I am blessed to have the occasion to extend myself into the lives of each person I care for. You will never find another profession that is more rewarding, challenging, exciting, interesting, or thought-provoking. Louis "I’ve been with Mercy for almost 16 years. I will continue to give my best to every patient.” Sara Lloyd Respiratory Therapist, Mercy Hospital St. I want to help, whether that involves administering medications, managing a ventilator, or just holding a patient’s hand and listening to them. I love what I do! Working the front-lines through the pandemic has brought me back to why I chose to become a respiratory therapist at Mercy. Slide 3 of 4 Through the years, I have seen many changes to my profession, but one thing has never changed for me.